all postcodes in DT6 / LYME REGIS

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT6 3AA 14 1 50.734352 -2.759606
DT6 3AB 5 0 50.735756 -2.759544
DT6 3AD 37 3 50.735341 -2.759467
DT6 3AE 32 0 50.736868 -2.758641
DT6 3AF 6 0 50.737406 -2.757388
DT6 3AG 34 0 50.738461 -2.756783
DT6 3AH 20 0 50.738539 -2.758824
DT6 3AJ 8 0 50.735648 -2.757956
DT6 3AL 4 0 50.738124 -2.758818
DT6 3AN 29 0 50.738286 -2.756269
DT6 3AP 4 0 50.740297 -2.744298
DT6 3AQ 8 0 50.735876 -2.758866
DT6 3AR 36 0 50.739742 -2.754805
DT6 3AS 8 0 50.738864 -2.754252
DT6 3AT 14 0 50.738267 -2.752187
DT6 3AU 15 0 50.738703 -2.751514
DT6 3AX 9 0 50.739653 -2.753542
DT6 3AY 39 0 50.7395 -2.750776
DT6 3AZ 18 0 50.737525 -2.751594
DT6 3BA 15 0 50.736337 -2.753063